Get A Charge Out of Getting Around: The Benefits and Fun of Electric Bikes

They certainly aren’t the bicycles your parents had hanging from the ceiling of your childhood home garage. Electric bikes are changing the way people get around town by eliminating some of the common hurdles associated with commuting by bike while adding health, efficiency, convenience, and fun to the journey. If you’re looking for ways to…

Five Employee-Focused Programs to Enhance in 2020

The start of a New Year—and decade!—is the perfect time to kick off or refresh HR-related programs. As company culture becomes more important than ever for employees, the payoff that comes from programs that meet their needs can be huge in terms of retention. Don’t forget that with the New Year comes resolutions—and for some…

Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

The holidays are here. The season of giving, spending, celebration, and for many, the season of high calorie overeating. According to a 2016 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American gains about a pound between Thanksgiving and the beginning of January. Even though the weight gain isn’t as high as…

Five Tips for First Time Disability Insurance Shoppers

Long-term disability insurance. It’s not as immediate a need as health insurance, and you probably don’t think it works into your long-term financial plan as much as life insurance does. But it’s still really, really important. Long-term disability insurance is, at its core, income replacement. It can help you make ends meet when you’re unable…