The Cost of Cancer – Planning for Survival

No one plans to have cancer. Aside from the shock and anxiety for the future a diagnosis brings, cancer also presents a financial situation that few people fully consider. Huge medical bills, on top of the typical expenses like college loans, mortgages, and car payments, can leave survivors concerned about their finances. Despite this, there…

Get A Charge Out of Getting Around: The Benefits and Fun of Electric Bikes

They certainly aren’t the bicycles your parents had hanging from the ceiling of your childhood home garage. Electric bikes are changing the way people get around town by eliminating some of the common hurdles associated with commuting by bike while adding health, efficiency, convenience, and fun to the journey. If you’re looking for ways to…

Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

The holidays are here. The season of giving, spending, celebration, and for many, the season of high calorie overeating. According to a 2016 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American gains about a pound between Thanksgiving and the beginning of January. Even though the weight gain isn’t as high as…