Your Benefits Enrollment Choices Can Strengthen Your Holistic Well-Being

Your Benefits Enrollment Choices Can Strengthen Your Holistic Well-Being

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to impact millions of employees across the United States, nearly half of workers say open enrollment is more important this year. In fact, 75 percent of employees indicate there are benefits they are more interested in this year than last year, according to MetLife’s 2020 open enrollment survey.   There…

Overworked young professional with his head on the desk

You Need a Vacation (And So Does Your Team)

As Labor Day fades from view, most HR teams typically breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy a respite from juggling vacation requests and staffing. But, just as everything about 2020 has been different, this year summer didn’t automatically mean “vacation.”   In fact, a vast majority of your team might have forgone any days…

Do You Know the Financial Implications Of Taking A Career Break?

When it’s time to start a family, many parents-to-be are so focused on decorating the nursery and choosing the right car seat that they can overlook the life-altering impact a baby can have on their financial life. And we’re not just talking the exorbitant cost of diapers—we’re talking nearly 4 million dollars in “potential income.” These…

Helping Employees Deal With Change

Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. shared the following article. In business and life, change is constant. Markets go up and down, companies merge and close, economies struggle, and global issues affect people’s lives. Knowing how to respond to these changes is challenging. Employees especially worry about how these changes will affect their jobs and livelihood. Employers can…

Creating Inclusive Workplaces for Employees with Disabilities

By Gene Lanzoni Assistant Vice President Group & Worksite Marketing – Thought Leadership Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Making workplaces accessible to employees with disabilities goes well beyond physical modifications to the workspace. Employers should also actively seek to make jobs overall more flexible to meet the demands of a diverse workforce.   In…