Common Reasons Employees Don’t Elect Disability Insurance

This article originally appeared on the American Fidelity Blog   You may understand the importance of Disability Income Insurance but may be asking: Why aren’t more employees taking advantage of it? There are myriad reasons why employees aren’t electing the coverage.   Lack of Understanding Many employees don’t understand what disability insurance covers, how it…

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For Every Stage of Life, The Right Disability Coverage Matters

Alexandra Ginieres, Chief Marketing Officer, MGIS   The ability to earn an income is what funds your life, and it is the foundation of your financial well-being. Disability income insurance protects your paycheck by replacing a portion of your income if you become too sick or injured to work.  The reality is that one in…

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You Don’t Want to Buy Any of This Stuff, Do You?

Having spent most of four decades marketing and selling disability income insurance, including individual, group, and payroll products, I am still amazed at the general resistance by many working Americans to doing fundamental research and analysis of their own personal and family financial situation. The amount of life insurance sales each year dwarfs the combined…

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The Future of Work: Climate Change

The Future of Work through Three Lenses: Climate Change, Artificial Intelligence & Disease by Margaret O’Neill, SmithGroup   Part I: Climate Change   This paper, focused on climate change, is the first in a 3-part series that considers the potential headwinds and tailwinds affecting work, as we know it in America. The paper will delve…

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Disability Insurance Matters For Every Working Generation

By Steve Perrigo   No one expects to have a life-threatening illness or injury, but knowing how to safeguard your income can help deal with the overwhelm of treatment, recovery and bills piling up. It’s vital for U.S. workers including Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z, to understand the significance of federal disability…

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The One Beer a Day Experiment

I enjoy having a beer with dinner nearly every evening. Sometimes a glass of wine, but far more often, a single good beer. It’s something I’ve enjoyed for years. I knew moderate drinking had some health benefits. And with so many craft brews on the market now, there is always a new beer to try.…

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Finding the Perfect City for Remote Work for Individuals With Disabilities

Remote work has become the new normal for many people across the world. This shift toward hybrid or fully remote work modules has also made a variety of jobs more accessible to disabled people. Even if the bulk of your work takes place outside of the office, obtaining profitable remote work opportunities may require you…

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What Does “High Risk” Pregnancy Look Like?

At 26 years old and newly married, I was excited when the two pink lines on a pregnancy test indicated that I was expecting. From the start, I did all of the “right” things. I confirmed a viable pregnancy with my OB, waited until it felt “safe” to tell friends and family, scheduled all of…

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Hey Gen X: Time to Protect Your Income

If you’re in your mid-to-late 40s, the options to protect your income may be coming to an end. If you don’t have income-protection disability insurance, you may find it’s more difficult to get it and that the cost is increasing.   Disability insurance? Yes, basic disability insurance is most affordable way to protect your income…

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Creating an Inclusive Environment in Education

Today’s diverse educational landscape requires an emphasis on inclusivity. An inclusive environment in education is one where all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, are given equal opportunities to learn, participate, and succeed. This approach is not just about providing physical accessibility but also about adapting teaching methods, curricula, and attitudes to cater to…

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Tolerating Gluten Intolerance

At 18 months old, my son suddenly changed from the happiest little dude in town to a miserable and often inconsolable kid. Without warning, he became thoroughly unhappy, bouncing between periods of lethargy and periods of frustration. His sleep, which had been challenging anyway, as it is with most little ones, became a constant battle;…

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Spring Forward? Five Ways to Update Your Routine When You’re Losing an Hour Of Sleep

Most of us relish the extra evening hour that comes with Daylight Savings Time, but losing that hour can come with schedule consequences…and even health consequences. In fact, Daylight Savings Time has been linked to increased heart attacks, and another study found that fatal car accidents increased the Monday after the Daylight Savings Time switch. So besides taking…

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