30 Years of Putting Employees First and Disabilities Second

On July 26, 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. The ADA had unanticipated impact on employers and their accommodations of employees who became injured or ill during their employment.   I was very early in my career when President George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with…

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Outfitting Your Home for a Child With a Disability

Are you outfitting a home for a child with a disability? The U.S. Census Bureau reports that around 12 percent of the population is disabled, and the PEW Research Center puts that number even higher. That means while only 5.4 percent of children five to seven years old are disabled, they still comprise a pretty large part…

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Helping Employees Deal With Change

Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. shared the following article. In business and life, change is constant. Markets go up and down, companies merge and close, economies struggle, and global issues affect people’s lives. Knowing how to respond to these changes is challenging. Employees especially worry about how these changes will affect their jobs and livelihood. Employers can…

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The Gyms are Open but there are Risks

As gyms and fitness centers reopen nationwide after quarantine, it’s important for those of us who miss our workouts to understand the risks before rejoining.   I returned to my local gym recently and found some welcome new safeguards, but also some surprising lapses that medical experts say should be in place.   The big…

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How Mindfulness Empowers Us to Skillfully Engage in Difficult Conversations

By Cheryl Jones, Director of Mindfulness at Aetna As if the intensity of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic with its health and economic implications wasn’t enough, we now find ourselves in the midst of rising racial and political tensions. It feels as though our sanity and our humanity are at risk. I believe mindfulness (awareness that…

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Seven Alternate Activities To Fire Up Your July 4

As states begin to re-open post-COVID, we are all eager for a celebration. However, with large group gatherings still mostly off-limits, it might be a “make your own fun” type holiday. And that not only will keep you safe and healthy but is also bound to save you money, compared with planning an elaborate trip…

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Do You Have the 2020 Facts on Disability Insurance?

Back in February 2020, few Americans understood the impact the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 would have on our business and personal lives. When the March stay-at-home orders first went into place, we pictured a return to life as we knew it within six to eight weeks. Yet, here we are, three months later, and we’re…

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Summer-Proof Your Exercise Routine: Six Tips for Fun and Safety

The heat is on – and that can make exercise challenging. But there’s no reason to put your exercise habit on hold just because of the heat. It is important, however, to take some precautions to keep it pleasurable – and safe. Check out our suggestions to feel the burn, but not get burned.  …

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Substitute Perks: How To Give Your Employees Benefits Even When You’re Apart

As the effects of COVID-19 caused offices to close and send workers home, they lost access to many of the perks they might have relied on for comfort and well-being. Given that employees routinely say that benefits play a large role in their job satisfaction, this deficit can lead to a loss of productivity, especially…

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How to Handle a Childcare Gap

The word “workplace” has a whole new meaning as more people than ever work remotely. And while the lack of commute can be a bonus, parents are finding they are struggling with childcare. In fact, almost half of parents with young children at home don’t feel as productive working from home. The childcare challenge is…

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Is Stress Affecting Your Employees? Here’s How to Help

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Work-related stress is the leading workplace health problem. Additionally, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently included “burnout” in its new edition of the International Classification of Diseases, describing it as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” And the…

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Taking Time Off is Good for Employee Engagement

The pandemic hasn’t stopped summer from arriving! As vacation season kicks off, it is a good time for HR teams to encourage the value of taking a break. As we all know, vacations are important for emotional and physical health of employees. In fact, studies show that they build a far more engaged, happy, and…

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