Worker and family relaxing outside together. Plan. Prepare. Protect.

Federal Disability Insurance Provides Critical Protection to Millions of American Workers

By Steve Perrigo Editor’s Note: It would surprise many employees to know they already have access to disability coverage. If you’ve paid FICA taxes for five of the last 10 years, your Social Security Disability Insurance policy is paid up. Two years into a pandemic and the changing economy and Great Resignation forced U.S. employees…

Couple at home feeling good about their financial and retirement planning. Plan. Prepare. Protect.

Including Social Security in Your Financial and Retirement Planning (pt 2)

Ted Norwood Editor’s Note: In part two of Ted Norwood’s post on Social Security, financial planning, and retirement, the author explains the various Social Security benefits and impact they may have on your financial status. (Click here to read Part 1 of this post.) Financial Planning, Protection and Retirement The basics The basic principles are…

Couple at home working on their financial and retirement planning. Plan. Prepare. Protect.

Including Social Security in Your Financial and Retirement Planning (pt 1)

Ted Norwood Editor’s Note: You are about to enjoy the most entertaining and informative blog post I’ve ever had the pleasure of editing about Social Security benefits. Read on to learn more about what the Social Security Administration and chocolate chip cookies have in common. Thinking about protecting your family’s income, your children’s future, and…

Young professional woman wondering if she can afford disability insurance. Plan. Prepare. Protect.

Is Disability Insurance a Luxury Good?

Fred Schott and Carol Harnett Editor’s Note: It’s springtime and that means it’s the season for talking about income protection and products like disability insurance that help you protect what’s one of your greatest assets – your income. And that’s what The Council for Disability Awareness president Carol Harnett did recently in a podcast with…

How to Financially Protect Families With A Stay-at-Home Partner

How Can We Help Financially Protect Families With A Stay-at-Home Partner?

When talk of disability income insurance comes up, you probably understand how important it is to protect the breadwinner. Particularly in households where only one person earns an income, disability income insurance (DI) is critical coverage for those who want to financially protect themselves and their loved ones. Insuring a portion of your paycheck with…

Benefits of Water (Other than Being the First Ingredient in Beer) defines water as a “colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.” Sounds a little boring, huh? Have you ever wondered why we really need it? Let’s dive in! It’s more than just a thirst quencher. It makes up 60%…

Saint Peters University mens basketball players, March Madness underdogs

3 Things the Disability Industry Shares in Common with the Saint Peter’s Peacocks

Carol Harnett Editor’s Note: Disability industry professionals have a lot in common with March Madness’ Cinderella team, the Saint Peter’s Peacocks from Jersey City, New Jersey. They’re strong in understanding the fundamentals of disability and absence, They work hard, and They execute.   I don’t often talk about my undergraduate alma mater. The most likely…

Blind person using computer with braille computer display and a computer keyboard.

The Importance of Accessibility for People With Visual Impairments

Anyone with a visual impairment knows the importance of accessibility. Fortunately, it’s becoming a bigger topic of conversation in the workplace, educational systems, and even in public places. But, there’s still a long way to go. The best way to show the importance of accessibility is to educate individuals and industries alike on why it’s…