Paid leave trends

Paid Leave Trends to Watch

This article originally appeared on the American Fidelity blog   It’s hard to guess exactly where paid family and medical leave (PFML) laws will be enacted next. Many states have study commissions to assess the feasibility, cost, and other impacts of prospective PFML legislation. Models to watch include: State-run Program – the state provides and…

Pet bearded dragon on young woman's shoulder

Bearded Dragons as Emotional Support Pets

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is any pet that is legally certified to offer support for emotional of psychological conditions. They help people by providing support during difficult times and are mostly commonly utilized by people suffering from conditions such as anxiety or depression. Usually dogs are trained for this task. However, diversity of ESAs…

Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

The holidays are here. The season of giving, spending, celebration, and for many, the season of high calorie overeating. According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American gains about a pound between Thanksgiving and the beginning of January. Even though the weight gain isn’t as high as…

Supporting employees during the holidays

Supporting Employees During The Holidays

When we think back to how “stressed” we used to feel during the holidays, we might long for a bit of that old normal…especially as we continue feeling the effects of the pandemic and growing economic concerns. With your employees coping with burnout, COVID fatigue, and the rising cost of living, the “holiday blues” may…

Finding an Employer That Truly Cares About Mental and Physical Health

Finding an Employer That Truly Cares About Mental and Physical Health

Everybody wants to find a workplace that values its employees and provides a healthy working environment. However, 93% of Americans suffer from work-related stress and millions more live in constant financial anxiety due to inadequate access to disability coverage. If this combination of stress and inadequate support sounds familiar, then you should know that you’re…

Open Enrollment 2022: The employers guide to group disability insurance

The Employer’s Guide to Group Disability Insurance

Group disability insurance is an important (but sometimes overlooked) employee benefit. Just how important? Research finds that 75% of employees would have trouble paying for basic living expenses after several months if they became disabled and were unable to work. At a time when competition for top talent is high, and health and financial security are…

Open Enrollment 2022: Short- vs. long-term disability insurance: How it works

Short- vs. long-term disability insurance: How it works

This article originally appeared on the American Fidelity Blog Understanding the differences between short- and long-term disability insurance can be tough and knowing which coverage is right for you is not always easy. However, disability insurance can be an essential part of a solid financial plan, so it’s important to understand your options. What is…