New Year's Resolutions for September

“New Year’s Resolutions” for September

Happy New Year! Wait…aren’t we a little early (or a lot late) for that greeting? The truth is that for many people, September is the “real” new year, despite what the calendar says. And it’s easy to see why—after all that was traditionally the time we came back to school in a new outfit, maybe…

A father walks his kids to their first day of school

Back-To-School 2022: Tips for Parents

When we think of back-to-school anxiety, it typically centers on elements like new routines, hectic schedules and whether our kids will find a friend. But those worries sound almost quaint, as we consider “back to school 2022.” With the ongoing pandemic, nearly all of the nation’s largest school districts are still offering remote learning opportunities…

supporting employees during inflation

Help Support Your Employees During Inflation

This article originally appeared on the American Fidelity blog.   It’s no secret that the talent pool is getting smaller while inflation is steadily increasing. But, while the cost of living and consumer goods are growing, organization costs are also rising. This makes it difficult for some employers to match the inflation rate with salary increases. If…

Father in a wheelchair with a disability hugs his son

Three Tips for Parenting With a Disability

Parenting is difficult. There’s no disputing that. Even parents with seemingly endless resources and unimpeachable good health can find themselves overwhelmed and at a loss sometimes.   When you’re parenting with a disability, the challenges can be especially formidable. However, as every parent knows, the joys and the rewards far outweigh the difficulties, no matter…

Do You Know the Financial Implications Of Taking A Career Break?

When it’s time to start a family, many parents-to-be are so focused on decorating the nursery and choosing the right car seat that they can overlook the life-altering impact a baby can have on their financial life. And we’re not just talking the exorbitant cost of diapers—we’re talking nearly 4 million dollars in “potential income.” These…