Unseen Employee Disability Costs, Part 3: What Can You Do?

In August, I wrote about how the non-occupational disabilities covered under salary continuation or disability insurance plans are more common than the occupational disabilities covered under workers’ compensation. I suggested your benefits team should be as focused on managing the costs of non-occ disabilities as your risk management team is on keeping WC costs in…

Unseen Employee Disability Costs, Part 2

In last month’s blog post, I wrote about how the non-occupational disabilities covered under salary continuation or disability insurance plans are more common than the occupational disabilities covered under workers’ compensation. I suggested that your benefits team should be as focused on managing the costs of non-occ disabilities as your risk management team is on…

Why Millennials Need to Think about Disability Insurance

Millennials are shaping up to be one of the most influential and unique generations of all time. They’re already the biggest population in US history, consisting of 92 million people (compared to 77 million “baby-boomers”), and they currently make up close to half of the American workforce. One thing that sets millennials apart from past…

Five Common Causes of Disability—Protecting Your Employees and Your Business

The concern over losing employees is something that keeps many HR managers and CEOs up throughout the night, and for good reason. Replacing even a $10/hr employee can cost over $3,000, and the expense of finding someone to take over a high-level position can be $8,000 or more. Even if you treat your employees like…

Taking Time Off to Have a Baby

Pregnancy involves much anticipation, preparation and uncertainty. Expectant moms know they ought to eat well, but there are many aspects of pregnancy and preparation for life beyond that are not as clear. Everyone’s experience is unique, and, for most people, navigating what comes next—not only the changes a baby brings, but also immediate questions about leave and health benefits—can be an unfamiliar and complicated process.