fingers on a braille keyboard

Prioritizing Workplace Accessibility For All Employees

Every employer knows how difficult it can be to recruit and retain top talent. For far too long, however, one important and immense sector of the workforce has been under-utilized. Millions of Americans with disabilities have been excluded from the workforce simply due to the inaccessibility of the workplace.   This constitutes not only significant…

Father in a wheelchair with a disability hugs his son

Three Tips for Parenting With a Disability

Parenting is difficult. There’s no disputing that. Even parents with seemingly endless resources and unimpeachable good health can find themselves overwhelmed and at a loss sometimes.   When you’re parenting with a disability, the challenges can be especially formidable. However, as every parent knows, the joys and the rewards far outweigh the difficulties, no matter…

Working man dealing with mental health challenge

Psychosocial Factors and Disability Claims Management

Editor’s Note: The Council for Disability Awareness’ research consultant Fred Schott recently completed a third stint as host of The CDA’s Financial Health and Income Network podcast. This time, his guest was Ian Bridgman, executive director of The Claim Lab and a member of The CDA’s Board of Directors. Their topic was psychosocial factors and…

The importance of disability insurance for Gen X

Hey Gen X: Time to Protect Your Income

If you’re in your mid-to-late 40s, the options to protect your income may be coming to an end. If you don’t have income-protection disability insurance, you may find it’s more difficult to get it and that the cost is increasing.   Disability insurance? Yes, basic disability insurance is most affordable way to protect your income…

Self-Care Tips and Ideas for Children with Disabilities

Self-Care Tips and Ideas for Children with Disabilities

Children who are living with disabilities often cope with stress and anxiety as they navigate the world around them, and their parents often struggle with those feelings as well. When it comes to helping your child feel better, learning some methods of self-care can benefit you both. Finding a healthy routine, starting a relaxing hobby,…

How disability insurance protected my family and finances

Discovering the Real Value of Employer-Provided Benefits

One spring evening, around 8:00pm, my husband, my six-year-old son, my newborn son, and I were headed home after getting dinner. I don’t remember anything else from that night. My name is Emily, and I’ve worked at IBI for five years, assisting with all aspects of Social Security claims. Daily, I’d interact with dozens of…

Adult couple working on their retirement plan. Plan. Prepare. Protect.

The Future is Now: How Today’s Disability can Affect Tomorrow’s Retirement Plans

By Sharon Scanlon Editor’s Note: It was a beautiful day outside. A perfect day to take a bike ride. Or maybe play a round of golf. But for Dave, it was a day to take it easy on the couch. He just had back surgery and had a few months of recovery ahead of him.…