Labor Market Signals U.S. Employers To Embrace Hiring People with Disabilities

Labor Market Signals U.S. Employers To Embrace Hiring People with Disabilities

By LeighAnn Jarry Editor’s Note: Employers seeking to expand their workforce are encountering challenges due to the tight labor market. Despite offering generous benefits and higher compensation, it is difficult to find employees. But there is a virtually untapped pool of applicants – people with disabilities. Now is exactly the right time for employers to…

Protecting Those With Disabilities Against COVID-19 Variants

How We Can Protect Those With Disabilities Against COVID-19 Variants

As much as all of us just want the pandemic to go away, the COVID-19 variants have added more complications to consider. Among these are the ways we can go about keeping individuals with disabilities and vulnerabilities safe as the variants spread.   At this point, over half of Americans have been vaccinated, but unfortunately,…

Personal story - I have OCD

I Have OCD

By Dan Jolivet Editor’s Note: Dan Jolivet’s very personal story about his experience with being a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder captured our collective attention immediately. This is a story everyone should read. Dan is honest and vulnerable, and you will gain perspective from Dan’s observations. [Note: The author’s representations here solely reflect his personal opinion…

Research: Data and insights from the CDA

From The CDA Research Files: How Anxiety and Depression Impacted Employee Absence Before the Pandemic

By Carol Harnett Editor’s Note: The Council for Disability Awareness – led by Fred Schott and its research committee – has closely monitored the impact of mental health on short-term, long-term, and individual disability claims for several years. Given the exponential increase in attention the pandemic and recent societal events brought to this topic, we…

At-risk populations

How COVID-19 Highlighted Ways We Can Improve Social Services

For decades, asset limits have presented difficulties for individuals with disabilities. These limitations across public assistance programs often lock individuals out of better opportunities. In the face of the coronavirus and its devastating economic consequences, these limitations have been particularly troubling. For example, 60.5% of households where a person with a disability resides are considered…

Expand Your Boundaries Beyond Your Disability by Staying Fit

Expand Your Boundaries Beyond Your Disability by Staying Fit

Living with a disability does not mean you’re exempt from fitness activities. In fact, if you have just recently been diagnosed with a disability, exercising can help you cope and live a more rewarding and fulfilling life. Being active and fit has proven to not just improve physical well-being, but mental and emotional fitness, as…

The benefits of disability insurance

Quick Guide on the Causes of Disability Insurance Claims and Benefits

A disability – whether an injury, illness, or affliction – can be debilitating for people in any occupation. And they’re very hard to predict, meaning that someone can get hurt on or off the job anytime, anywhere. That’s where disability insurance comes in. Disability insurance ensures that you won’t suffer financially, should you become temporarily…