The Effects of Chronic Stress on the Body
We know what chronic stress does to the heart, but what happens to six of our bodily systems when exposed to chronic stress? It affects these systems as much as it does the heart!
Read MoreWe know what chronic stress does to the heart, but what happens to six of our bodily systems when exposed to chronic stress? It affects these systems as much as it does the heart!
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, can disrupt the lives of adults who have the disorder. Low self-esteem, poor work execution, and troubled relationships may be manifestations of the disorder. Did you know that all adults who have ADHD had it as children? Find out other amazing facts with these five major myths of adult ADHD.
You are well insured. Your house, your cars, your life are all insured. But what if the unspeakable happens? You become disabled and no longer have an income. Disability insurance helps you support yourself and your loved ones by providing income protection. Here are your options.
Since there are so many fibromyalgia symptoms and combinations of symptoms, it can be a very difficult condition to diagnose. Partly due to this misunderstood fact, myths have filled in the void of knowledge.
Paid parental leave is a rarity in the United States, making us one of the advanced nations without it. However, it may slowly be catching on.
Autism Speaks has taken the word “cure” out of its mission statement. The new mission focuses on the advance of research concerning causes and therapies for autism instead of finding a cure for autism.
Do you ever say to yourself “I constantly get passed over for promotions”? Perhaps you fulfill your job description well, but there are other bad habits that you have slowly accumulated over time that may damage your opportunities. Here are seven big ones.
You can love technology, you can hate it, or you can fall somewhere in between. Regardless of how you feel about it, you will appreciate the serious benefits the following apps provide to people with disabilities.
Regulations are complicated. Healthcare insurance is baffling. Laws are complex. The Affordable Care Act exchange combines both laws and insurance. Need help. Here are answers to the basic questions.
The Affordable Care Act is extremely detailed and confusing. How do you get ACA coverage if you have a summer and winter home, you work in one state and live in another, or you recently moved? Find out here.
More information about the size of the insurers’ network of doctors and hospitals, more standardized out-of-pocket costs, more warning about unanticipated out-of-network medical, and higher premiums are several Obamacare changes for 2017.
Each year, The Environmental Working Group updates it’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™. The guide tests 48 fruits and vegetables and ranks them according to their level of pesticide contamination. The 12 fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide residue are named the year’s Dirty Dozen™. Should you avoid these products? See for yourself.