Why Women Should Start Their Insurance Planning Now

Amber Stitt, Financial Consultant, Business Strategist, Speaker, Podcast Host Having the proper protections in place should be important to everyone, but early planning is particularly important for women. With a broader variety of female-specific needs, finding suitable insurance options to better secure the future can be challenging. I’ll share some key considerations to help explain…

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How Socio-Economic Class Impacts Quality of Life for People with Disabilities

Socioeconomic class is a leading predictor of health, well-being, and quality of life. In the US, where social capital is largely determined by income, folks from lower socio-economic status (SES) households are more likely to experience poverty and poor health and are less likely to experience educational success. Unfortunately, those who live with disabilities are…

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Technology for the Win! Advancing Your Career With Disabilities

With advances in technology, people with disabilities now have more opportunities than ever to advance their careers. From telecommuting to virtual interviews and online networking, technology can be a great tool to help individuals with disabilities reach professional goals. Here are some of the ways that people with disabilities can use technology to gain an…

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How to Close The Positivity Gap

Having a negative outlook is not uncommon—life can be hard, people are complicated, and complaining is easy. But there’s proof that a positive outlook can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health. So even if you’re naturally inclined to be pessimistic, it’s worthwhile to explore the sunny side of the street. Thinking…

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Measuring What Matters: Using Employee Surveys to Assess Engagement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Two essential foundations of a productive workplace are upholding diversity and supporting your employees. However, promoting diversity necessitates a sincere investigation into the employee experience to identify issues. Sending surveys about diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) is an excellent way to learn how your employees feel. It can be challenging to decide where to begin…

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Bridge the Paycheck Gap

Mia Ferrarin Marketing Manager, Life and Disability Insurance, Individual Markets Guardian Life Insurance Company of America®   Editor’s Note:  When you think about protection, you might think about the assets in your life that you safeguard by purchasing an insurance policy — like your car, your home or other valuables. Maybe you think about other…

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Will Living Longer be Harder?

Ninety-year-olds running marathons, CEO’s launching start-ups at age-70, rock stars and presidents working into their 80’s. Today millions of Americans are living longer and some of them are doing amazing things. Thanks to improved healthcare and education, it’s projected that a baby born this year in the U.S. has a 50% likelihood of living past…

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Covering The Gap Due To A Medical Absence

Covering The Gap Due To A Medical Absence: Disability Benefits And Ticket To Work Are The Most Significant Forms of Employment Protection For American Workers By Steve Perrigo, Vice President, Allsup   In today’s work environment, where one in four 20-year-olds will become disabled during their working years1 and long COVID brings uncertainty, it makes…

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7 Benefits of Having a Dog

There are so many health benefits that come alongside having a dog as a companion. Whether it’s the popular Poodle, or the less well known Silver Labrador, all dogs provide benefits such as encouraging more exercise and therefore having better heart health. They can even help people with mental health problems, and bring many benefits…

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How To Survive the Year 2030

The year 2030 isn’t that far away. And when it arrives, the world will be very different and each of us will have changed, too.   Over the past decade, many global research and governmental organizations have chosen the year 2030 as a benchmark for measuring changes in our quality of life and health standards.…

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The One Beer a Day Experiment

I enjoy having a beer with dinner nearly every evening. Sometimes a glass of wine, but far more often, a single good beer. It’s something I’ve enjoyed for years. I knew moderate drinking had some health benefits. And with so many craft brews on the market now, there is always a new beer to try.…

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How Are Office Tech and Digitalization Helping Employees with Disabilities?

Adapting to life with an unexpected disability takes time. It’s likely that certain adjustments will be required to help you regain a sense of “normalcy” in your daily life, but it’s still possible to find joy, fulfillment, and purpose.   And, yes, that also means finding success and value in your career. Indeed, thanks to…

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