Couple out for a ride on a bike and a wheelchair

Three Tips for Staying Active With Physical Disabilities

Staying physically active is essential for everyone. Unfortunately, sedentary behaviors are often associated with people who have disabilities. These can lead to a variety of health risks, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It can also take a toll on your mental health.   Having a physical disability doesn’t always mean you can’t stay…

Employee facing the sun in a workspace

Overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Workplace

Winter is taking hold for people in the northern parts of the U.S., and while the light-filled days of spring are just a couple of months way, a significant number of people in your workforce may be struggling with seasonal affective disorder. The American Psychiatric Association reports that approximately five percent of Americans suffer from…

Pet bearded dragon on young woman's shoulder

Bearded Dragons as Emotional Support Pets

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is any pet that is legally certified to offer support for emotional of psychological conditions. They help people by providing support during difficult times and are mostly commonly utilized by people suffering from conditions such as anxiety or depression. Usually dogs are trained for this task. However, diversity of ESAs…

Supporting employees during the holidays

Supporting Employees During The Holidays

When we think back to how “stressed” we used to feel during the holidays, we might long for a bit of that old normal…especially as we continue feeling the effects of the pandemic and growing economic concerns. With your employees coping with burnout, COVID fatigue, and the rising cost of living, the “holiday blues” may…