Income Matters, CDIA. Mental Health and Workplace Outcomes

Data Proves Correlation Between Depression, Anxiety, and Disability

By Ian Bridgman, Executive Director, The Claim Lab; Fred Schott, Consultant, Council for Disability Income Awareness   Research shows that depression and anxiety are risk factors for new disabilities. While this is not news to medical experts, it may be for claims adjusters and others in the integrated disability and absence management (IDAM) space, whose…

Income Matters, CDIA. The Loneliness Epidemic is Making Us Sicker.

The Loneliness Epidemic is Making Us Sicker

Christi Doe, M.Ed., CPDM, Senior Consultant, Member Relations, Council for Disability Income Awareness   With decades of experience in the insurance industry and as someone who has experienced a difficult period of isolation, I’m increasingly interested in the relationship between loneliness and health-related disabilities. Today, America is in the middle of a loneliness epidemic that…

Two friends comforting each other - Personal Stories

Can Grief Become a Disability?

The short answer is “yes.” Grief is a natural and powerful response to loss that can sometimes overwhelm us. And, few of us grieve in the same way. We might experience it emotionally, physically, or cognitively, but for most of us, grief becomes manageable over time, even if the pain doesn’t fully go away.  …

Caregiver with patient, recovering at home. Income Matters.

Loneliness is “Disabling”… It’s all in the Data!

Yet there is no diagnosis code, it’s not a medical condition… After Fred’s very creative use of “GRACE,” see the previous CDIA blog, I would like to take this topic in a different direction, that’s into the data…. At The Claim Lab, we analyze a great deal of disability claims data to find the best…

Friends spending time together. Income Matters.

Leading the ChARGE Against Loneliness

Several months ago, I wrote a post about loneliness and why it’s an issue nowadays. I concluded by referring to a prescription for combatting loneliness developed by neuroscientist Stephanie Cacioppo, a/k/a “Doctor Love.” It goes the acronym GRACE—gratitude, reciprocity, altruism, choice, and enjoyment. I said I’d share some personal insights about putting GRACE into practice…

Young woman at home struggling with her mental health. Income Matters.

Why It’s More Critical Than Ever to Support Mental Health and How Insurers Can Help

In my lifetime, I can’t recall a time when there have been so many open conversations about concerns about mental health. While I certainly feel it’s positive and very necessary to talk openly about this topic, I also think it’s important to understand why there is such a marked increase in mental health challenges today…