Income Matters, CDIA. Employee happy at work in the office.

When Income Matters, Consider Stay-at-Work Services

Dan Jolivet, Ph.D., Workplace Possibilities Practice Consultant, The Standard   Income matters to virtually all workers, and the replacement of a percentage of income by disability insurance payments can make a tremendous difference for people who face a disabling injury or illness. But what if their disability insurance could help them remain on the job…

Professional woman with laptop in home office

Redesigning for Independence: Home Upgrades That Empower

These days, it’s not uncommon to spend much more time at home, especially if you work remotely. The situation can be tricky if you’re an individual with a disability and your house was not made with your needs in mind. Luckily, you can make many changes and upgrades around your home to be happier, healthier,…

The role of environmental factors in supporting employees with disabilities

The Role of Environmental Factors in Supporting Employees with Disabilities

Gainful employment provides many benefits for people with disabilities, but environmental factors can be a roadblock to a rewarding experience. Noise, lighting, sensory challenges, and physical maneuverability can reduce productivity and increase stress levels for these employees. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that everyone, including your staff members with disabilities, enjoys…

Professional with a disability working from home

Inclusive Innovation: The Intersection of Technology and Accessibility

Fighting for a world where individuals living with different disabilities can live fully and freely. Right now, unique challenges present some limitations, like an inability to physically access certain places in public and participate in parts of the digital world.   But progress is being made with the help of technology. New tools continue to…

online purchase with credit card

Empowering Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Through E-Commerce

An unexpected disability can seem to wreak havoc on your plans for the future, especially if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur. Although 1 in 4 people in the United States experience some form of disability, new disabilities can feel both isolating and limiting, in their own way. Individuals with disabilities may experience significant mental stress compared…

Diverse coworkers collaborating on a project

Three Tips for Creating Inclusive and Sustainable Work Environments

Employees who feel valued are the backbone of every high-performing organization. This sentiment is echoed by data collected by the McKinsey group, which shows that workplaces that champion executive diversity and inclusion are 25% more likely to report above-average profits compared to their less inclusive peers.   Similarly, many modern employees want to work for…

Teacher creating an inclusive environment in the classroom

Creating an Inclusive Environment in Education

Today’s diverse educational landscape requires an emphasis on inclusivity. An inclusive environment in education is one where all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, are given equal opportunities to learn, participate, and succeed. This approach is not just about providing physical accessibility but also about adapting teaching methods, curricula, and attitudes to cater to…

Tolerating Gluten Intolerance

At 18 months old, my son suddenly changed from the happiest little dude in town to a miserable and often inconsolable kid. Without warning, he became thoroughly unhappy, bouncing between periods of lethargy and periods of frustration. His sleep, which had been challenging anyway, as it is with most little ones, became a constant battle;…