Mind the Gap campaign: Young professional with prosthetic leg out for a walk

How Socio-Economic Class Impacts Quality of Life for People with Disabilities

Socioeconomic class is a leading predictor of health, well-being, and quality of life. In the US, where social capital is largely determined by income, folks from lower socio-economic status (SES) households are more likely to experience poverty and poor health and are less likely to experience educational success. Unfortunately, those who live with disabilities are…

Office tech is helping employees with disabilities

How Are Office Tech and Digitalization Helping Employees with Disabilities?

Adapting to life with an unexpected disability takes time. It’s likely that certain adjustments will be required to help you regain a sense of “normalcy” in your daily life, but it’s still possible to find joy, fulfillment, and purpose.   And, yes, that also means finding success and value in your career. Indeed, thanks to…

fingers on a braille keyboard

Advocating for Vision-based Disability Accommodations in the Office

Billions of people live with vision loss and impairments, including colorblindness, glaucoma, cataracts, blurred vision, and other visual impairments impacting their lives. Work, in particular, can be a struggle, especially when employers aren’t supportive.   The best solution to the workplace struggles of those living with a disability is choosing an employer that genuinely cares…

Couple out for a ride on a bike and a wheelchair

Three Tips for Staying Active With Physical Disabilities

Staying physically active is essential for everyone. Unfortunately, sedentary behaviors are often associated with people who have disabilities. These can lead to a variety of health risks, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It can also take a toll on your mental health.   Having a physical disability doesn’t always mean you can’t stay…

fingers on a braille keyboard

Prioritizing Workplace Accessibility For All Employees

Every employer knows how difficult it can be to recruit and retain top talent. For far too long, however, one important and immense sector of the workforce has been under-utilized. Millions of Americans with disabilities have been excluded from the workforce simply due to the inaccessibility of the workplace.   This constitutes not only significant…

Father in a wheelchair with a disability hugs his son

Three Tips for Parenting With a Disability

Parenting is difficult. There’s no disputing that. Even parents with seemingly endless resources and unimpeachable good health can find themselves overwhelmed and at a loss sometimes.   When you’re parenting with a disability, the challenges can be especially formidable. However, as every parent knows, the joys and the rewards far outweigh the difficulties, no matter…

Blind person using computer with braille computer display and a computer keyboard.

The Importance of Accessibility for People With Visual Impairments

Anyone with a visual impairment knows the importance of accessibility. Fortunately, it’s becoming a bigger topic of conversation in the workplace, educational systems, and even in public places. But, there’s still a long way to go. The best way to show the importance of accessibility is to educate individuals and industries alike on why it’s…