How to Build a Basic Budget

Many people are struggling to gain control of their finances. According to a LendingTree report in 2017, four in five Americans are in the red—and a quarter of those in debt do not have a plan to pay it off. By building a budget, you can gain clarity into your financial situation. This is a…

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4 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy at Work

How energized do you feel in your job? Are you battling to make it through each workday? According to the 2016 General Social Survey, a large portion of Americans are feeling tired in their daily working lives. Nearly 50 percent of people said they are often or always exhausted at work. People in 2016 were…

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Avoiding Information Overload in the Workplace

Simply hearing the words “information overload” can be enough to cause anxiety in people today. As a culture, we’re faced with never-ending email chains, bottomless to-do lists, and a 24-hour news cycle that never seems to quit. While information overload is largely attributed to the devices contained within our pockets, workplaces can threaten to add…

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Older Moms. New Babies.

You see them jogging with strollers or walking in the baby food aisle. Maybe you’re one yourself. Today, more women ages 40 – 44 are new mothers. After decades of decline, there has been a jump in the increase of older moms. In a new analysis of census data by Pew Research Center, 86 percent…

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How Businesses Benefit from Hiring People with Disabilities

People with disabilities are the largest untapped minority group in the workplace. 84% of the 56 million people with disabilities in the United States find themselves unemployed. Many believe this is because people with disabilities are unable to work. Yet, this damaging stigma is a myth. Those with disabilities are able to work with as…

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Family Planning: Daycare or Stay-At-Home?

Planning for a family can be an exciting and daunting step, when you think of all the changes having a baby leads to. There’s the rewarding feeling of creating a bond with a tiny little human, even when you’re too tired to see straight. And then there’s the financial drain that comes with an extra…

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Tolerating Gluten Intolerance

At 18 months old, my son suddenly changed from the happiest little dude in town to a miserable and often inconsolable kid. Without warning, he became thoroughly unhappy, bouncing between periods of lethargy and periods of frustration. His sleep, which had been challenging anyway, as it is with most little ones, became a constant battle;…

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Three Ways to Impact Retention This Year

One thing that keeps many HR directors up at night is the threat of losing employees. Whether it be a promising new hire or someone who has been with the company for over 20 years, having someone give their notice (or just stop showing up altogether) can be enough to throw things off for weeks…

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Put Muscle Into Your Metabolism

How’s your metabolism these days? If your body isn’t looking or feeling the way you’d like it to, maybe it’s time to take a closer look. As we get older, especially in our 40s, our metabolism tends to slow down. Even for people who jog or cycle a few times a week and maintain an…

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Avoiding Winter Employee Burnout

Winter is in full-swing, which has many people excited to either hit the slopes or hunker down for the next few months. While the dead of winter is a great time for reflection, it can also lead to burnout for even the most productive employees. Between the cold weather, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and short…

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The Biggest Financial Mistakes Millennials Make Today

Born between 1980 and 2000, Millennials are perhaps the most informed of any generation thanks to having grown up surrounded by modern technology—they’re also poised to make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. That said, millennials actually have quite a bit working against them in terms of finding and maintaining stability, from disappearing pensions…

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The Cost of Cancer – Planning for Survival

No one plans to have cancer. Aside from the shock and anxiety for the future a diagnosis brings, cancer also presents a financial situation that few people fully consider. Huge medical bills, on top of the typical expenses like college loans, mortgages, and car payments, can leave survivors concerned about their finances. Despite this, there…

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