Caregiver with patient, recovering at home. Income Matters.

Loneliness is “Disabling”… It’s all in the Data!

Yet there is no diagnosis code, it’s not a medical condition… After Fred’s very creative use of “GRACE,” see the previous CDIA blog, I would like to take this topic in a different direction, that’s into the data…. At The Claim Lab, we analyze a great deal of disability claims data to find the best…

The Rising Tide of Mental Health Support. Plan. Prepare. Protect.

The Rising Tide of Mental Health Support

Ian Bridgman Editor’s Note: The Council for Disability Awareness board member, Ian Bridgman, makes a point in this post that few in the group disability insurance industry are willing to discuss publicly: Are US carriers ready to remove the 24-month mental health claim limitation? It is most likely an understatement to say we need more…