Six Health Benefits of Raising Chickens

Raising chickens has almost an infinite number of benefits. These benefits range from simple companionship to self-sufficient food production.   Raising and keeping chickens even has several health benefits that can positively impact those with mental or physical disabilities. In fact, several universities such as the University of Minnesota are utilizing therapy chickens during exam…

Employee facing the sun in a workspace

Overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Workplace

Winter is taking hold for people in the northern parts of the U.S., and while the light-filled days of spring are just a couple of months way, a significant number of people in your workforce may be struggling with seasonal affective disorder. The American Psychiatric Association reports that approximately five percent of Americans suffer from…

Woman enjoying the health benefits of having a dog

7 Health Benefits Of Dogs (And One Health Risk)

There are so many health benefits that come alongside having a dog as a companion. Whether it’s the popular Poodle, or the less well known Silver Labrador, all dogs provide benefits such as encouraging more exercise and therefore having better heart health. They can even help people with mental health problems, and bring many benefits…