Short-Term vs. Long-Term Disability: What Do You Need

One of the more common questions people have about purchasing disability insurance is the question of short-term vs. long-term disability insurance. It’s not always easy to know what’s best. What’s the difference between the two? Which one do you need? Or do you need both? Let’s start by explaining some definitions as far as short-term…

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What is Own-Occupation Disability Insurance?

The world of disability insurance isn’t exactly known for snappy names for its products and features. Take “own-occupation disability insurance.” What is that, exactly? We’re here to help translate some of the terminology so you know what it is, and whether you need it. What Own-Occupation Disability Insurance is All About The first thing you…

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Why You Should Quit Smoking—And Do it Now

Most of us can rattle off a long list of reasons why you should quit smoking. Here at the Council for Disability Awareness, we believe it’s wise for nearly every working adult to carry disability insurance to protect against the very real possibility of a disability preventing them from earning an income. But we also believe in…

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Think Workers’ Compensation Benefits Will Cover Disability?

There is often a false sense of security that comes from the assumption that many, or even most, disabilities would be covered by worker’s comp. In fact, less than five percent of disabling accidents and illnesses are work-related.

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Are My Disability Benefits Taxable? It Depends.

Are your disability benefits taxable? Generally speaking, if your employer pays for the policy, your disability benefits are taxable, and must be reported to the IRS as income. If you pay the policy premiums, you don’t have to pay taxes on it again.

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Disability and Loss of Income: 10 Expenses to Consider

Disability and the ensuing loss of income has huge financial implications that few are prepared for. Without the ability to obtain a steady income, workers may fall behind on payments. In fact, about 77 percent of consumers said they would not be able to pay their bills for more than a year if they suffered a loss…

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Disability Insurance Rates: What Will I Pay?

Many people, even those convinced disability insurance is a great idea, just don’t know what to expect from disability insurance rates. That’s largely because it’s not easy to simply throw out a number—rates very person to person, depending on the circumstances.

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How to Pay for Family Leave for Moms and Dads

Many families grapple with how to cover unpaid family leave without causing serious damages to the family’s finances. Fortunately, there are steps you can take in order to protect your income if you’re thinking about starting—or expanding—your family.

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Disability Insurance Benefits Should Focus on Ability

Now there are alternative solutions to the traditional disability insurance coverage mindset. Newer plans incorporate wellness and rehabilitation into the disability process, and encourage employees to take a more active role in their well-being, recovery and return to work

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What Does Social Security Disability Pay?

When people become disabled, dealing with finances can be incredibly stressful. And, as the newly disabled begin to look at their budget in this changed landscape, one of the first questions is often, “What does Social Security disability pay?” The answer: It depends. Getting Social Security Disability Pay First you need to know whether you’ll even qualify for Social Security disability…

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Protect Your Income Trivia Showdown

For the last week of Disability Insurance Awareness Month, we’ll be taking to social media to give away disability awareness mugs. All you have to do to enter is answer some simple trivia questions—and we’ll even give you the keys to finding the questions right in the trivia questions!

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