Workplace Etiquette Rules One Should Never Overlook

Workplace etiquette are subtle, normally informal rules that do not appear in an organization’s orientation booklet. Nonetheless they are important because they show respect towards co-workers as well as clients.

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Should You Pay Off Student Loans Early?

Some say invest. Some say pay off student loans early. What will you do with your student loan debt? Well, it depends on your situation. It is entirely your choice, so we have compiled a pro/cons list for you to consider prior to your decision.

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Workplace Dilemmas You Might Face One Day

You spend 40 or more hours a week at work with all different types of people. In any organization where a group of individuals get together and spend a bunch of time together, there will be dilemmas. Here are some common workplace dilemmas to keep your eyes out for and what to do about them.

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A Great Resume Incorporates These Attributes and Avoids Others

A great resume is a great advertisement. It tells a great story that is meant to make an incredible first impression. There are many things great resumes have in common, and there are many resumes that have things that would be considered deal killers.

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Some of the Top Budgeting Apps Available

It is almost second nature to our understanding: Budgets should be created so we know where and how much of our money is outgoing versus incoming. Yet, we fight budgeting like the plague. Perhaps these budgeting apps can make this task a bit simpler for you.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Myths, Facts, and Treatment

An invisible illness. That is what chronic fatigue syndrome is considered. This may be one of the reasons people are skeptical about its existence. Well, it is real, and here are some myth-busting beliefs and potential treatments for this illness.

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If I Could Turn Back Time: Millennial Money Mistakes Which Can Affect Your Future

When we are young we feel invincible. We believe time is on our side and there is plenty of time to work out financial situations once we are older. However, this is rarely the case. Check out these millennial money mistakes that can hurt you financially in the long term.

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Workplace Bullying: What Forms Does It Take and What to Do About It

According to one study, 27 percent of people have had direct or past experience with abusive work conduct; 72 percent of employees defend or rationalize bullying. What is workplace bullying and how do you stop it?

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