Couple out for a ride on a bike and a wheelchair

Three Tips for Staying Active With Physical Disabilities

Staying physically active is essential for everyone. Unfortunately, sedentary behaviors are often associated with people who have disabilities. These can lead to a variety of health risks, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It can also take a toll on your mental health.   Having a physical disability doesn’t always mean you can’t stay…

Depression and Your Office Environment: What You Need to Know

Depression, while often hiding in plain sight, ranks among the top three workplace problems for employee assistance professionals, resulting in 3% of total short-term disability days. For context, that’s more disability than what’s caused by heart disease, hypertension and diabetes—all in the form of an illness that isn’t nearly as visible as a broken bone.…

Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

The holidays are here. The season of giving, spending, celebration, and for many, the season of high calorie overeating. According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American gains about a pound between Thanksgiving and the beginning of January. Even though the weight gain isn’t as high as…

A father walks his kids to their first day of school

Back-To-School 2022: Tips for Parents

When we think of back-to-school anxiety, it typically centers on elements like new routines, hectic schedules and whether our kids will find a friend. But those worries sound almost quaint, as we consider “back to school 2022.” With the ongoing pandemic, nearly all of the nation’s largest school districts are still offering remote learning opportunities…